Saturday, April 13, 2019

America, Meet Pete

Mayor Pete Buttigieg is set to announce his intentions for 2020 tomorrow in South Bend.

Almost everyone with a pulse knows what that announcement will probably be. He's going to say he's running for President of the United States. He's run a sensational campaign thus far, and this will take it to the next level.

He's done almost everything right, in my view, thus far. His campaign's been like a great roast in the crock pot. Its simmered all day long and now it's ready to go. I've been, frankly, shocked at his streaking rise to the top of the deck in the Democratic field. I mean, I always knew Pete was special, but I never thought a small city Mayor could do what he's done at 37 years old. He's a major contender in 2020.

It's the stuff of movies.

I first met him in 2010 at the IDEA Convention in French Lick. Turning the corner off 150 and heading down on 56 into the town, you saw these seemingly hundreds of homemade yard signs that read, "Meet Pete". It reminded me of the "See Rock City" and "See Ruby Falls" signs you see as you travel the South. I remember saying to my friend, Chris Jackson, "Who the hell's this Pete guy?"

After seeing a few friends and chatting around a bit, we finally met Pete in the guilded lobby of the resort. Maybe it's just my mind misremembering things, but I seem to remember getting a sticker that said, "Met Pete" from his campaign after you did meet Buttigieg. Regardless, it was brilliant marketing and a unique way to build conversation.

My friendship with Pete grew after that. He spoke at the Decatur Township Democratic Club that year, and he was a guest a few times on my Indiana Talks show after he was elected Mayor of South Bend. We've exchanged social media messages since. I've seen him and Chasten at party events over the years before and after they were married. I sent Pete condolences after I heard about the death of his father. He responded with a heartfelt thank you. Most recently, I fired off a congratulatory message to Pete after the town hall appearance on CNN which I believe sparked his rise in the polls that continues to this moment. I recieved another personal response from him the next day.

To me, that means that all this has not gone to his head.

It won't. That's because, as I tell everyone, Pete is exactly the person you see on TV. He's calm, cool, incredibly smart, frank, earnest, and honest. He's humble and contientious. He's exactly the opposite of the current man in the White House.

In a way, we're all turning into French Lick and seeing those signs. "Meet Pete" and it seems America is liking the man they're meeting.

I endorse him not only as an Indiana Democrat and a friend, but I endorse him because he's going to be President of the United States, someday. Given the current occupant, why shouldn't that be now? President Obama said, "We are the ones we've been waiting for," and I think Pete gets that.

Pete, if you read this, good luck. I'm hoping you'll be my President, but I'm glad you'll always be my friend.

1 comment:

  1. If Mayor Pete does is not chosen in the primary, I would hope that he would run for governor of Indiana. I think that would be a real plus for our state.
    I am concerned about his seeming unconditional support for Israel. I see their government as promoting apartheid and marginalizing the Palestinian human beings who suffer greatly. I hold Israel and the US support of their military control over Palestinians, a primary cause of the turmoil that has risen in the Middle East and how the USA is viewed as an enemy. I supported the right of Israel to exist but their walls, checkpoints and especially, their settlements (illegal)to be a great hindrance to peace. Mayor Pete seems to be on board with Netanyahu. He may be like many democrats who are afraid of AIPAC and although, might disapprove of Israel's actions, consider the backlash in the USA from AIPAC more to be feared politically.


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